1 /*
2  * This file was automatically generated by sel-utils and
3  * released under the MIT License.
4  * 
5  * License: https://github.com/sel-project/sel-utils/blob/master/LICENSE
6  * Repository: https://github.com/sel-project/sel-utils
7  * Generated from https://github.com/sel-project/sel-utils/blob/master/xml/biomes.xml
8  */
9 module sul.biomes;
11 public struct Biome
12 {
14     string name;
15     ubyte id;
16     float temperature;
18 }
20 public enum Biomes : Biome
21 {
23     ocean = Biome("ocean", 0, 0.5f),
24     plains = Biome("plains", 1, 0.8f),
25     desert = Biome("desert", 2, 2f),
26     extremeHills = Biome("extreme hills", 3, 0.2f),
27     forest = Biome("forest", 4, 0.7f),
28     taiga = Biome("taiga", 5, 0.05f),
29     swampland = Biome("swampland", 6, 0.8f),
30     river = Biome("river", 7, 0.5f),
31     hell = Biome("hell", 8, 2f),
32     theEnd = Biome("the end", 9, 0.5f),
33     frozenOcean = Biome("frozen ocean", 10, 0f),
34     frozenRiver = Biome("frozen river", 11, 0f),
35     icePlains = Biome("ice plains", 12, 0f),
36     iceMountains = Biome("ice mountains", 13, 0f),
37     mushroomIsland = Biome("mushroom island", 14, 0.9f),
38     mushroomIslandShore = Biome("mushroom island shore", 15, 0.9f),
39     beach = Biome("beach", 16, 0.8f),
40     desertHills = Biome("desert hills", 17, 2f),
41     forestHills = Biome("forest hills", 18, 0.7f),
42     taigaHills = Biome("taiga hills", 19, 0.2f),
43     extremeHillsEdge = Biome("extreme hills edge", 20, 0.2f),
44     jungle = Biome("jungle", 21, 1.2f),
45     jungleHills = Biome("jungle hills", 22, 1.2f),
46     jungleEdge = Biome("jungle edge", 23, 0.95f),
47     deepOcean = Biome("deep ocean", 24, 0.5f),
48     stoneBeach = Biome("stone beach", 25, 0.2f),
49     coldBeach = Biome("cold beach", 26, 0.05f),
50     birchForest = Biome("birch forest", 27, 0.6f),
51     birchForestHills = Biome("birch forest hills", 28, 0.6f),
52     roofedForest = Biome("roofed forest", 29, 0.7f),
53     coldTaiga = Biome("cold taiga", 30, -0.5f),
54     coldTaigaHills = Biome("cold taiga hills", 31, -0.5f),
55     megaTaiga = Biome("mega taiga", 32, 0.3f),
56     megaTaigaHills = Biome("mega taiga hills", 33, 0.3f),
57     extremeHillsPlus = Biome("extreme hills plus", 34, 0.2f),
58     savanna = Biome("savanna", 35, 1.2f),
59     savannaPlateau = Biome("savanna plateau", 36, 1f),
60     mesa = Biome("mesa", 37, 2f),
61     mesaPlateauF = Biome("mesa plateau f", 38, 2f),
62     mesaPlateau = Biome("mesa plateau", 39, 2f),
63     theVoid = Biome("the void", 127, 0f),
64     plainsM = Biome("plains m", 128, 0.5f),
65     sunflowerPlains = Biome("sunflower plains", 129, 0.8f),
66     desertM = Biome("desert m", 130, 2f),
67     extremeHillsM = Biome("extreme hills m", 131, 0.2f),
68     flowerForest = Biome("flower forest", 132, 0.7f),
69     taigaM = Biome("taiga m", 133, 0.05f),
70     swamplandM = Biome("swampland m", 134, 0.8f),
71     icePlainsSpikes = Biome("ice plains spikes", 140, 0f),
72     jungleM = Biome("jungle m", 149, 1.2f),
73     jungleEdgeM = Biome("jungle edge m", 151, 0.95f),
74     birchForestM = Biome("birch forest m", 155, 0.6f),
75     birchForestHillsM = Biome("birch forest hills m", 156, 0.6f),
76     roofedForestM = Biome("roofed forest m", 157, 0.7f),
77     coldTaigaM = Biome("cold taiga m", 158, -0.5f),
78     megaSpruceTaiga = Biome("mega spruce taiga", 160, 0.3f),
79     redwoodTaigaHillsM = Biome("redwood taiga hills m", 161, 0.3f),
80     extremeHillsPlusM = Biome("extreme hills plus m", 162, 0.2f),
81     savannaM = Biome("savanna m", 163, 1.2f),
82     savannaPlateauM = Biome("savanna plateau m", 164, 1f),
83     mesaBryce = Biome("mesa bryce", 165, 2f),
84     mesaPlateauFM = Biome("mesa plateau f m", 166, 2f),
85     mesaPlateauM = Biome("mesa plateau m", 167, 2f),
87 }