1 /*
2  * This file was automatically generated by sel-utils and
3  * released under the MIT License.
4  * 
5  * License: https://github.com/sel-project/sel-utils/blob/master/LICENSE
6  * Repository: https://github.com/sel-project/sel-utils
7  * Generated from https://github.com/sel-project/sel-utils/blob/master/xml/entities.xml
8  */
9 module sul.entities;
11 public struct EntityData
12 {
14     bool exists;
15     ubyte id;
17 }
19 public struct Entity
20 {
22     string name;
23     EntityData java, bedrock;
24     bool object;
25     double width, height;
27 }
29 public enum Entities : Entity
30 {
32     boat = Entity("boat", EntityData(true, 1), EntityData(true, 90), true, 1.5, 0.6),
33     droppedItem = Entity("dropped item", EntityData(true, 2), EntityData(false), true, 0.25, 0.25),
34     experienceOrb = Entity("experience orb", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 69), true, 0.25, 0.25),
35     areaEffectCloud = Entity("area effect cloud", EntityData(true, 3), EntityData(true, 95), true, 2, 0.5),
36     minecart = Entity("minecart", EntityData(true, 10), EntityData(true, 84), true, 0.98, 0.7),
37     minecartWithHopper = Entity("minecart with hopper", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 96), true, 0.98, 0.7),
38     minecartWithTnt = Entity("minecart with tnt", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 97), true, 0.98, 0.7),
39     minecartWithChest = Entity("minecart with chest", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 98), true, 0.98, 0.7),
40     minecartWithCommandBlock = Entity("minecart with command block", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 100), true, 0.98, 0.7),
41     activatedTnt = Entity("activated tnt", EntityData(true, 50), EntityData(true, 65), true, 0.98, 0.98),
42     enderCrystal = Entity("ender crystal", EntityData(true, 51), EntityData(true, 71), true, 2, 2),
43     arrow = Entity("arrow", EntityData(true, 60), EntityData(true, 80), true, 0.5, 0.5),
44     snowball = Entity("snowball", EntityData(true, 61), EntityData(true, 81), true, 0.25, 0.25),
45     egg = Entity("egg", EntityData(true, 62), EntityData(true, 82), true, 0.25, 0.25),
46     ghastFireball = Entity("ghast fireball", EntityData(true, 63), EntityData(true, 85), true, 1, 1),
47     blazeFireball = Entity("blaze fireball", EntityData(true, 64), EntityData(true, 94), true, 0.3125, 0.3125),
48     enderpearl = Entity("enderpearl", EntityData(true, 65), EntityData(true, 87), true, 0.25, 0.25),
49     witherSkull = Entity("wither skull", EntityData(true, 66), EntityData(true, 89), true, 0.3125, 0.3125),
50     shulkerBullet = Entity("shulker bullet", EntityData(true, 67), EntityData(true, 76), true, 0.3125, 0.3125),
51     llamaSpit = Entity("llama spit", EntityData(true, 68), EntityData(true, 102), true, 0.25, 0.25),
52     fallingBlock = Entity("falling block", EntityData(true, 70), EntityData(true, 66), true, 0.98, 0.98),
53     itemFrame = Entity("item frame", EntityData(true, 71), EntityData(false), true),
54     eyeOfEnder = Entity("eye of ender", EntityData(true, 72), EntityData(true, 70), true, 0.25, 0.25),
55     splashPotion = Entity("splash potion", EntityData(true, 73), EntityData(true, 86), true, 0.25, 0.25),
56     expBottle = Entity("exp bottle", EntityData(true, 75), EntityData(true, 68), true, 0.25, 0.25),
57     fireworkRocket = Entity("firework rocket", EntityData(true, 76), EntityData(true, 72), true, 0.25, 0.25),
58     leashKnot = Entity("leash knot", EntityData(true, 77), EntityData(true, 88), true, 0.375, 0.25),
59     armorStand = Entity("armor stand", EntityData(true, 78), EntityData(true, 61), true, 0.5, 1.975),
60     evocationFangs = Entity("evocation fangs", EntityData(true, 79), EntityData(true, 103), true, 0.5, 0.8),
61     fishingHook = Entity("fishing hook", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 77), true, 0.25, 0.25),
62     spectralArrow = Entity("spectral arrow", EntityData(true, 91), EntityData(false), true, 0.5, 0.5),
63     dragonFireball = Entity("dragon fireball", EntityData(true, 93), EntityData(true, 79), true, 1, 1),
64     camera = Entity("camera", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 62), true),
65     painting = Entity("painting", EntityData(false), EntityData(false), true),
66     lightning = Entity("lightning", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 93), true),
67     elderGuardian = Entity("elder guardian", EntityData(true, 4), EntityData(true, 50), false, 1.9975, 1.9975),
68     witherSkeleton = Entity("wither skeleton", EntityData(true, 5), EntityData(true, 48), false, 0.7, 2.4),
69     stray = Entity("stray", EntityData(true, 6), EntityData(true, 46), false, 0.6, 1.99),
70     husk = Entity("husk", EntityData(true, 23), EntityData(true, 47), false, 0.6, 1.99),
71     zombieVillager = Entity("zombie villager", EntityData(true, 27), EntityData(true, 44), false, 0.6, 1.95),
72     skeletonHorse = Entity("skeleton horse", EntityData(true, 28), EntityData(true, 26), false, 1.39648, 1.6),
73     zombieHorse = Entity("zombie horse", EntityData(true, 29), EntityData(true, 27), false, 1.39648, 1.6),
74     donkey = Entity("donkey", EntityData(true, 31), EntityData(true, 24), false, 1.39648, 1.6),
75     mule = Entity("mule", EntityData(true, 32), EntityData(true, 25), false, 1.39648, 1.6),
76     evoker = Entity("evoker", EntityData(true, 34), EntityData(true, 104), false, 0.6, 1.95),
77     vex = Entity("vex", EntityData(true, 35), EntityData(true, 105), false, 0.4, 0.8),
78     vindicator = Entity("vindicator", EntityData(true, 36), EntityData(true, 56), false, 0.6, 1.95),
79     illusioner = Entity("illusioner", EntityData(true, 37), EntityData(false), false, 0.6, 1.95),
80     creeper = Entity("creeper", EntityData(true, 50), EntityData(true, 33), false, 0.6, 1.7),
81     skeleton = Entity("skeleton", EntityData(true, 51), EntityData(true, 34), false, 0.6, 1.99),
82     spider = Entity("spider", EntityData(true, 52), EntityData(true, 35), false, 1.4, 0.9),
83     giant = Entity("giant", EntityData(true, 53), EntityData(false), false, 3.6, 11.7),
84     zombie = Entity("zombie", EntityData(true, 54), EntityData(true, 32), false, 0.6, 1.95),
85     slime = Entity("slime", EntityData(true, 55), EntityData(true, 37), false, 0.51, 0.51),
86     ghast = Entity("ghast", EntityData(true, 56), EntityData(true, 41), false, 4, 4),
87     enderman = Entity("enderman", EntityData(true, 58), EntityData(true, 38), false, 0.6, 2.9),
88     caveSpider = Entity("cave spider", EntityData(true, 59), EntityData(true, 40), false, 0.7, 0.5),
89     silverfish = Entity("silverfish", EntityData(true, 60), EntityData(true, 39), false, 0.4, 0.3),
90     blaze = Entity("blaze", EntityData(true, 61), EntityData(true, 43), false, 0.6, 1.8),
91     magmaCube = Entity("magma cube", EntityData(true, 62), EntityData(true, 42), false, 0.51, 0.51),
92     enderDragon = Entity("ender dragon", EntityData(true, 63), EntityData(true, 53), false, 16, 8),
93     witherBoss = Entity("wither boss", EntityData(true, 64), EntityData(true, 52), false, 0.9, 3.5),
94     bat = Entity("bat", EntityData(true, 65), EntityData(true, 19), false, 0.5, 0.9),
95     witch = Entity("witch", EntityData(true, 66), EntityData(true, 45), false, 0.6, 1.95),
96     endermite = Entity("endermite", EntityData(true, 67), EntityData(true, 55), false, 0.4, 0.3),
97     guardian = Entity("guardian", EntityData(true, 68), EntityData(true, 49), false, 0.85, 0.85),
98     shulker = Entity("shulker", EntityData(true, 69), EntityData(true, 54), false, 1, 1),
99     pig = Entity("pig", EntityData(true, 90), EntityData(true, 12), false, 0.9, 0.9),
100     sheep = Entity("sheep", EntityData(true, 91), EntityData(true, 13), false, 0.9, 1.3),
101     cow = Entity("cow", EntityData(true, 92), EntityData(true, 11), false, 0.9, 1.4),
102     chicken = Entity("chicken", EntityData(true, 93), EntityData(true, 10), false, 0.4, 0.7),
103     squid = Entity("squid", EntityData(true, 94), EntityData(true, 17), false, 0.8, 0.8),
104     wolf = Entity("wolf", EntityData(true, 95), EntityData(true, 14), false, 0.6, 0.85),
105     mooshroom = Entity("mooshroom", EntityData(true, 96), EntityData(true, 16), false, 0.9, 1.4),
106     snowGolem = Entity("snow golem", EntityData(true, 97), EntityData(true, 21), false, 0.7, 1.9),
107     ocelot = Entity("ocelot", EntityData(true, 98), EntityData(true, 22), false, 0.6, 0.7),
108     ironGolem = Entity("iron golem", EntityData(true, 99), EntityData(true, 20), false, 1.4, 2.7),
109     horse = Entity("horse", EntityData(true, 100), EntityData(true, 23), false, 1.39648, 1.6),
110     rabbit = Entity("rabbit", EntityData(true, 101), EntityData(true, 18), false, 0.4, 0.5),
111     polarBear = Entity("polar bear", EntityData(true, 102), EntityData(true, 28), false, 1.3, 1.4),
112     llama = Entity("llama", EntityData(true, 103), EntityData(true, 29), false, 0.9, 1.87),
113     parrot = Entity("parrot", EntityData(true, 105), EntityData(true, 30), false, 0.5, 1),
114     villager = Entity("villager", EntityData(true, 120), EntityData(true, 15), false, 0.6, 1.95),
115     npc = Entity("npc", EntityData(false), EntityData(true, 51), false, 0.6, 1.95),
117 }